A Scam by any other Name: Inscriptive Agency and Online Safety

My instinctual response to rage at a system is an urge to systematically deconstruct its power.

The Scam

March 17th, 2022

While it may have begun sooner, the “look who just died” scam entered the Internet’s consciousness on March 17th, 2022 with a Reddit post on r/answers. The user reported that they received a message on Facebook Messenger claiming someone they knew died with a link to a site trying to steal their Facebook password. Users of the forum responded initially with advice for them to contact their friend to let them know their account was hacked, or to block the person if they were a stranger.

March 20th, 2022

The post then sat silent for three days before another user reported the same occurrence, having received such a message from a coworker. Unlike the initial poster, they clicked on the link and entered their login information. They soon realized their account was compromised when they saw their Facebook Messenger account had sent the same message to nearly all of their Facebook friends.

March 30th, 2022

Ten days later, another user reported their account was compromised by the same scam. They realized that not only had the scammer sent the message to all of their Facebook friends, but all of their Facebook contacts, including people they had unfriended. This the first occurrence of a user increasing their account security in response to being scammed – they enabled 2-factor authentication and revoked session cookies for active logins to be sure.To this point, there was no clear goal of the scammers. Why did they want control of people’s Facebook accounts?

April 5th, 2022

Another user reported experiencing the scam. But this time, they did not escape with only injuries to their pride. The scammers collected the payment information from this user’s account and stole $2,000 from their debit cards.Thus began a deluge of other Facebook users flocking to the Reddit post, with dozens of other reports and over a hundred total comments until July 2022.

May 9, 2022

On May 9, 2022 the online safety and fact-checking website ThatsNonsense.com reported on the scam. In the article, they point out that the message has several features which internet users should learn to look for that indicate the message is illegitimate. They also give advice for actions to take in the case a user has become a victim of the scam themselves.

(Image from snopes.com)

Days later, cable news began covering the scam, with WGAL – Lancaster/Harrisburg being one of the first to report on it. DuckDuckGo has indexed an MSN news report on the same day, but the article has since been deleted, most likely due to MSN changing the structure of its site. Broken link.


Over the following months, dozens of news agencies reported on this scam, the money people lost, and how to spot it in the wild.


The scam evolved into at least one other form in the coming months. Rather than reaching out via Facebook Messenger, the scammers took a screenshot of a paused video from the ABC News YouTube channel showing a wrecked car on the side of the road in Georgia, with debris scattered in the grass. They edited the metadata of the site to display a fake view count – implying that the video was highly viewed.

(screenshot by Will Beason)

To ensure the post would be prioritized in people’s feeds in the algorithm, the scammers did several things known to make sure posts appear in people’s feeds.

  • They made sure that the generated link going to the malicious site had a thumbnail. Facebook prioritizes links which have valid thumbnails.
  • They re-shared their own post. Facebook prioritizes “shared” posts over originals, even when a user shares their own post.
  • They tagged exactly nine other people. This is a “sweet spot” where the notification of the tagging still shows up in people’s Facebook notifications, and it doesn’t trigger anti-spam measures. Further, notifications prompt people to view the post in order to get rid of the notification. While users may delete notifications without viewing the post, they have no means of knowing what they’re missing before clicking to view.
  • They made the post public so that the post could potentially appear in anyone’s feed – even people they have not “friended” on Facebook.

Together, this nearly guarantees at least nine other people (those tagged) will see the post. The other measures mean the post itself is likely to be highly-ranked in all of their friends’ feeds and will likely be seen by many dozens of people. For those tagged – the friends who interact with them often are likely to see the post as this is another feature Facebook heavily weights in ranking posts to show on user feeds.

Facebook’s Responsibility

This scam has persisted for over a year despite national news coverage, many hacked accounts, and the simple, predictable nature of these interactions. In the 20 such posts above, all of them linked to the same domain and had an identical thumbnail. All of the posts in a similar period of time use identical wording. In the past few weeks, it has been “Just happened an accident” but the wording has differed over time. It would not be technically difficult to detect these posts: I am able to easily find dozens of such posts by searching for the wording-of-the-day using Facebook’s already-extant search feature. Presumably, Facebook has means of searching posts by the domain linked to and the number of people tagged, which would make identifying these posts even easier.

And yet, this scam goes on.


On August 11th, in a flurry of data collection (rage?), I conducted a search as described above, immediately finding 25 such scam posts. I went through the report process for each post:

  1. Three dots -> Report post
  2. Please select a problem -> Spam
  3. Submit

This creates an entry in the Facebook Support Inbox tied to my account.

The message assures that Facebook will use this information to identify spam, and more information about how Facebook deals with spam content.


Facebook regularly responds to reports of spam. These do not happen on a regular timeframe – it isn’t clear how these are prioritized. I’ve had reports of this scam sit in my support inbox for months, and others are answered within days.In every case for this scam I have reported where I have gotten a response (~10 so far from August 11th reports), Facebook has responded with the following.

Sometimes the message gives an option to request a “re-review” of the content. Other times, the only options available are to block the compromised account or to delete the message from my support inbox. There isn’t a clear pattern here.

Example where I was able to request a re-review:

In no cases in the several months I have reported these scams has Facebook reported that one of these posts was taken down. I’ve reported about 40 in total.
Note: It is possible that Facebook removes messages from the support inbox – I have not verified that all of my reports still have entries.

Wherefore art thou, scam?

It is clear to users that these are scam posts. On many of these posts I’ve reported, friends of the person warn others not to click the link, and tell the person that their account has been compromised. Regular news coverage reports the impact on those who have lost money from the scam. Coverage on online safety sites have detailed information about the scam: how to spot it and how to recover.

But none of that matters because Facebook decides what is, or is not, a scam on Facebook.

~~ Fin ~~

Stopping here because I’m exhausted. I’m sure there’s neat implications to write about later. I hope you enjoyed my little weekend project.

Don’t count on language transformers citing their work

An example of a language model generating incorrect text and then attempting to cite the false claim. As of this writing, TLS 1.4 does not exist and Wikipedia makes no mention of TLS 1.4.

“Truth” for language transformers

Language transformers do not have a concept of whether text they’ve generated is “true” – they are designed to predict likely continuations of a piece of text. The algorithms behind this are sophisticated, but they aren’t trying to do anything but recreate textual patterns in the corpus they were trained on. What matters to the transformer is “Given the preceding text, what should come next?” To the transformer, it is immaterial whether the generated text is factual information or misinformation.

Consider these two prompts:

  1. “A recent study by the Harvard Medical School found that the new Novavax vaccine _”
  2. “My 2yo was never the same after she got her shot. And then she got sick anyway. Clearly, the vaccine _”

Suppose you saw two comments on the Internet one beginning with each of the prompts. What would you expect to come next, based on what you have read on the Internet? (For this exercise, rely only on your memory)

Even though you probably personally disagree with what one of the continuations says, you would not be wrong in providing contradictory continuations of these two prompts. You, taking the role of the language transformer, haven’t actually made these claims – in this exercise your goal was not to inform whoever entered the prompt; it was to continue the text. In the same way, the language transformer is not evaluating the text it is generating in this way – it isn’t “taking a side” or even, in some sense, “saying” these things.


Consider possible responses you may have had to the first prompt. You could have said “… was 85% effective in preventing COVID infection 2 weeks after the vaccine was administered” or “… was found to be more effective in people who had never had COVID before.” Even though neither of these is (necessarily) supported by research, they are plausible continuations. Conversely, you are unlikely to have said something like “… caused people to spontaneously grow two additional eyes.” To the language transformer, those first two continuations would be rated at a much higher likelihood than the third and so it would tend to generate responses like those.

One way an application could cite text generated by a Transformer.

Language transformers don’t reference documents at query time and then generate text based on those documents. They are trained long before, and attempt to generate text that is a continuation of whatever they’ve been supplied. After the transformer has generated text, different algorithms analyze the text, and then look for the documents “most relevant” to the related text. Similarly – you could search the Internet for reliable sources that say similar things to how you continued the first prompt, and then cite them. You – and the transformer – aren’t really “citing” where you got this information, you made a guess and then looked for documents that seemed to support your guess.

It may be possible to attempt to determine claims generated text makes, and then re-prompt the transformer if it generated incorrect information, but these are hard problems. Identifying claims a text makes is not straightforward, and determining whether two texts say the same thing is difficult – even for humans. If the transformer generates “the vaccine was very effective” but the research says “the vaccine prevented 85% of cases in adults and 75% in children”, is the generated text “factual”? The citer may reference that research, but a reasonable person may disagree that a vaccine if “very effective” if it only has a 75% effectiveness in children.


Together, these factors mean that applications which use transformer-generated text will be unable to reliably cite sources which back up the text. In the example at the beginning of this post – there is no TLS version 1.4. While NeevaAI cites the TLS Wikipedia Page, as of this writing the text “1.4” does not appear anywhere on that page. Most likely, the transformer generated “is widely used in applications such as email, instant messaging, and voice over IP” because this text appears verbatim in the second sentence of the Wikipedia article. The citer seems to generate one citation per sentence, and so it likely chose Wikipedia as the source for that sentence because it found a high degree of textual similarity between that sentence and the text on Wikipedia. The citer didn’t catch that the generated sentence also makes a claim about TLS 1.4 but not the Wikipedia article.

Rolling Advantage with m dice of n sides each

Matt Parker is wrong on the internet and someone must rise to correct him. Alas, today is my day. I shall double reverse-Derek the one and only Matt Parker.

In a recent video, Matt Parker explored a beautiful, geometric way of understanding a problem known to many RPG players. In many RPGs (such as Dungeons and Dragons), players roll a 20-sided die (also called d20, for short) to determine the outcome of an action. In some cases, the dungeon master (who interprets the rules) may decide to give a player “advantage” on a roll, allowing them two roll two d20s (written as 2d20) instead of one and taking the higher of the two. The question that Matt Parker explores is: what is the expected value of taking advantage – how much better is it than just rolling one d20?

He then extends his answer to a more general form:

And this is where he is wrong.

First, consider the case of rolling md1. That is, rolling some number of 1-sided dice. Matt’s formula incorrectly gives:

Obviously since a d1 can only ever return 1 (and so the above should simplify to 1 for all m), something is amiss.

Here I need to define some mathematical notation for clarity. Define a random variable +mdn as the result of taking advantage when rolling m dice, each with n sides.

We can similarly check the case of rolling md2 since this is easy enough to check by hand. The probability of +md2 evaluating to 1 is the probability of only rolling 1s, and so we get:

This is definitely not in line with Matt’s formula. So, what is the actual formula?

The below proof relies on the fact that the calculation for the expectation of a variable can be partitioned into mutually exclusive cases. That is:

Now, suppose that we had some way of representing E(+mdn) and we want to find E(+mdn+1). That is, we want to increase the number of faces of our dice. As we can split our expectation, calculation, we can see:

The first term is the probability that we have no faces of value n+1 times the expected value of taking advantage with mdn. The second term is the probability of having at least one face of value n+1 times that value, as when taking advantage only the largest value is counted.

And now for md3. Trivially, the probability of obtaining zero 3s when rolling m d3s is .

This pattern is suspicious, so let’s try this general form and see if using the iteration pattern preserves it:

Therefore, the expected value of rolling advantage with mdn is:

Through symmetry, the expected value of rolling with disadvantage (taking the lowest die) is:

Using Degree Centrality to Break Wikipedia Category Cycles

I’m training machine learning models to classify articles on Wikipedia. To do this well, I need a lot of training data. I’d originally intended to use Wikipedia categories to automatically classify articles. Unfortunately, I can’t assume articles in Category:Philosophy or one of its subcategories should all be “Philosophy” as it turns out categories aren’t used consistently enough to use them out-of-the-box.

Category Cycles

A category cycle is when a category is its own ancestor. For example (as of this writing) Category:Quintephones is a subcategory of Category:Electronic musical instruments, which is a subcategory of Category:Quintephones. This specific example isn’t problematic, but if such a cycle exists which includes many very general topics, it can make classifying articles by their category difficult.

In principle, Wikipedia categories should contain no cycles – a parent category should be strictly broader than its children. In practice, this is not the case. These cycles cause problems when trying to use categories as information in machine learning models and for labeling training data.

There are too many relationships (“category A is in category B”) to consider one-by-one. I need some way to narrow down category relationships to the ones which cause the most problems. So, given a strongly-connected directed graph of Wikipedia category relationships I’d like to try to automatically identify the most problematic relationships (the ones which shouldn’t exist), manually examine the results, and then remove the relationships I can tell are bad.

Centrality Measures

The first tool we’ll be using is centrality. Roughly, centrality measures which entities are “most important” in a network of related things. The most important entities don’t necessarily have problematic relationships, but they are the ones most likely to. There are several types of centrality, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. We’ll be using several of them to analyze the various strongly-connected digraphs we found last time.

For this post, We’ll be studying the second-largest, which contains 77 categories mainly dealing with Californian geographical features. We’ll call this the California subgraph.

Degree Centrality

For directed graphs, there are actually two types of degree centrality – indegree and outdegree. For our case, these respectively correspond to:

  • Indegree centrality: The number of subcategories of “A”.
    • For example, “Science Fiction” and “Fantasy” are subcategories of “Fiction by Genre” as they are more specific forms of “Fiction”.
  • Outdegree centrality: The number of pages “A” lists as a parent category.
    • For example, “Fiction” is a parent category of “Fiction by Genre” as it includes more broad topics than just lists of fictional works, organized by genre.
The subcategories and parent categories of “Category:Shasta Cascade”.

Category:Shasta Cascade has three child categories in our graph (that is, only considering child categories in this list), so its indegree centrality is 3:

The page has one parent category which is in our graph, Category:Sacramento Valley, so its outdegree centrality is 1.

Below is a graph plot of the categories. Each dot (or “node”) is a single category from the California subgraph, where arrows point from a child category to one of its parents. Larger dots represent categories with more subcategories.

Unfortunately there’s no great way to label individual nodes in a graph with this many nodes. The two large nodes are Category:San Joaquin Valley (left) and Category:Sacramento Valley (right).

The category with the highest indegree and outdegree centrality is Category:Sacramento Valley, with 9 parent categories in this subgraph and 11 child categories. Second place is Category:San Joaquin Valley. These are immediately, obviously the problem pages in this graph. While parts of these valleys are in various Californian counties, the fact that parts of them extend into the counties are not the “essential—defining—characteristics” of those topics. By this definition, they belong in none of the other categories in this subgraph. What happens if we remove the outgoing edges from these nodes?

After Removing the Problematic Relationships

The same category network as before, but with outgoing edges for “Category:San Joaquin Valley” and “Category:Sacramento Valley” removed. Note that there are no longer any cycles, and the most specific categories are easily identifiable, splayed into an outer ring.

Removing the outgoing edges from “Category:San Joaquin Valley” and “Category:Sacramento Valley” completely eliminates all cycles in the California subgraph. These seventeen edges are the minimum required to do so. The result looks like a much more sensible graph of category parent/child relationships.


Since this is an easy problem to fix, I’m going to go ahead and make these changes to the Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin Valley categories myself, and start a discussion on the talk pages pointing to this post for explanation.

I’m still going to explore other types of centrality measures to get a feel for their strengths and weaknesses – I’ll likely need to use multiple techniques to fix the largest graph, as it has nearly 12,000 categories.